Fellow Daters

Friday, August 21, 2009

Looking to date outside of my number ranking

Simply put, i'm a ten. I have everything going in my life, looks, great career, great friends, and i a shag like a minx.

But alas, I am still single.I believe this is due in part because I only date other attractive people. So, i'm going to throw caution to the wind, and try dating outside of my number.

I need to be worshiped for the goddess that I am.

I need you to do anything to keep me satisfied. This may mean living in constant fear that I will at any time break up with you. I have moderate taste, but whats more is I need someone who is extremely financially secure. I'm willing to give up looks, but financial stability is non-negotiable.

I'm 24, and not interested in dating my grandfather. Your sense of humor is of no particular importance, because well, i'm funny enough for both of us.

Please respond, as this is time sensitive. I fear this is a momentary lapse in judgement.

1 People said what they thought:

Beth said...

She forgot to add how modest she is.