Fellow Daters

Monday, August 3, 2009


( (this is not the picture from the profile, but it fit so well))


Im 20 years old and i have a 7 month old boy! hes my world and i love him to death! i was with a guy for 2 yrs and i got pregnant which was planned and we split up 2 weeks before i had my kid! which was shitty but oh well!

So no i didnt just get knocked up! ok!

Anyways i have a full time job!monday thru friday! 8 to 5!! I work for TDC! if you know what that is! We take care of all the prisons! Crazy job let me tell ya!

Anyways i am a party girl! and i love to have fun! well when my mom watches my kid for me! but i can hang with the boys! might be falling over and throwing up but for sure i can hang!

I love to play softball! i have all my life! i had all my plans for my future but when i met this guy i thought i would spend my life with him so i kinda put it on hold and now i have a baby but i am going to go to SHSU! to get my masters in business!

But it will have to wait for right now! i want my boy to grow up a little bit! i am a fun girl! and a beautiful one at that! im not being selfish! but i know that i am beautiful and i dont take that as a complement!

i know one day a guy will love me for me and not because of my beauty! im not the skinnest girl but i love myself and thats all that matters!

ok let me tell you what i like in a guy! well im a white girl as you can see! so i like white guys! sorry but i come from a good background and i just dont think that its right to mix races! but i did have the best black friends when i was growning up but no offense and im sorry!

but im 5'8 so my guy would have to be around 6 ft! i love guys that are tall! im kinda a mix from country to prep! i love my 7 acres of land i got at home but i also love to wear all the cute clothes!! and i like my guy to do the same! i love guys that wear the jeans with the holes in them! and the cute t-shirts that say things on them! i like guys that wear collars or a button down shirt for when we do special things!!

i love a guy that has some muscles! you dont have to be mucho man or anything! really i just want a guy who is descent and has a good furture ahead of him! thats what i need for my boy! i want someone who will stand by my side and be there when i need him! for him to love my boy and love me the same! for him to have a good head on his shoulders and know what makes me happy!

i want a guy that loves to go out and party or just stay home and watch a movie and eat dinner together! i love a guy that would rather spend time with me then go out with the boys! i love a guy that wont get jeolous when i wanta go out with my girls! because im trustworthy and im honest!

Hopefully you can see the guy that i want! i have never done this before!

i love my life and i have worked hard for everything that i have! and you would be crazy not to be apart of it! i have got fucked over to many times and i wont let it happen again!

if you like what you read or see just write me and send a pic and we can go from there! have a good day!! heather!!

1 People said what they thought:

Beth said...

She also! likes! exclamation points!!