Fellow Daters

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ten Commandments of Posting and Online Picture

Now I know I find all those funny and sometimes disturbing pictures so I figured I'd give it some balance. I found this at

The Ten Commandments of Posting Photos
1) Thou shalt not post a photo taken more than 2 years or 20 lbs ago.
2) Thou shalt not post a photo of you with your arm draped around your ex.
3) Thou shalt not post a photo taken in a three-minute photo booth
4) Thou shalt not post a photo with someone’s face blacked out or someone’s body cut out of the picture.
5) Thou shalt not post a photo where you are not smiling.
6) Thou shalt not post a photo where all of your friends are more attractive than you.
7) Thou shalt not post a group photo where a casual viewer can’t figure out which person you are.
8) Thou shalt not post a photo taken by a webcam.
9) Thou shalt not post a photo that shows too much skin.
10) Thou shalt not post a photo of Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt.

3 People said what they thought:

Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not post a photo where you are holding any kind of adult beverage or smoking implement.

Thou shalt not post a photo of your car/ride, pet, single body part, sunset, cityscape, or any other photo that is not actually you when you are posting an ad.

Anonymous said...

Thou shall not flash a gang sign, peace sign, or make kissy faces for your profile pic.

*Juliette* said...

Thou shalt not post a photo of the back of your head while holding a gun.